Monday, June 23, 2014

Hard work pays off!

Here are some photos of some of our work we've done recently. Whether it's tile, hardwood, carpet, or vinyl, we can do it all!

For questions or information about particular products or photos please feel free to comment below, call us at 803-786-8055 or e-mail at


Here is a bathroom we did for a doctor's personal office. We love the clean lines and the glass walls so you can see the tile! (Cohn Construction)

These muted hardwoods are perfect for this living room/dining room combo. Their dog agrees!

Here is another example of how hardwoods can really open up a room and bring a lot of warmth to it. 

This bathroom is one of my favorites, it's neutral but has a splash of color in the backsplash!

The next three photos are a lovely bathroom with elements of the forest. With the natural stone look in the floor it really gives it a "mountain getaway" feel.

This bathroom is light and relaxing. We can take credit for the tile but not for the tub, which is equally gorgeous!

For our final look, this was a customer who was at her wits ends! She had looked everywhere for the perfect accent on her floor and couldn't find what she wanted. We found this stunning marble basket weave and it was a match made in heaven!

Monday, June 9, 2014

May Flowers bring Pilgrims.

That's always been one of my favorite simple jokes. (For those of you that don't know it, the entire joke can be found at the bottom of this post.)

This month I want to explain something simply. You may see advertisements around town for "10% off to so-and-so" or "4th of July sale." Everyone loves a good sale, including myself, but the fact is in order to have a lot of sales you have to have enough of the product marked up to have a "sale."

In our case, we don't often have sales or holiday specials simply  because we are ALWAYS offering the best price.

So when we do offer 10% off (like for law enforcement or Lexington/Palmetto hospital employees) it means more than getting 10% off at those other stores.

We've discussed how to get this across many times among each other and I think the bottom line is, someone's got to say it.

10% off at Carolina Wholesale means more than 10% off anywhere else.

If the same exact carpet costs $.50 more down the road, 10% there is our normal price here - make sense?

We try VERY hard to beat all pricing. And to be completely transparent, there are times when we cannot. But most of the time, we are crushing it.

So, give us a call and let us compare some pricing or come by and see the prices for yourself!

If April showers bring may flowers then what do may flowers bring?